The Prize is for deaf and/ or disabled poets. By this, we mean poets who have faced disablist and/ or audist barriers in accessing their careers. 

Within this, we explicitly include the following: 

  • Deaf, deaf and hard-of-hearing people
  • Blind and visually impaired people
  • People with mobility and energy-limiting impairments
  • People with chronic illnesses and long-term health conditions 
  • People with mental health conditions or experience of mental distress
  • Neurodivergent people and people with cognitive impairments and learning disabilities 

We are aware that this list is not exhaustive and that there may be other people who consider that they have faced disablist or audist barriers, or who identify as deaf or disabled, and also encourage these people to apply.

If you are not sure this applies to you please feel free to contact us by emailing:  [email protected] 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How many categories does the Prize have?

The Prize has two categories: 1) best single poem and 2) best unpublished pamphlet.

Can I submit to both categories of the Prize?

Yes, you can submit work to both Prize categories. You can use one form to submit to both categories; you do not need to submit more than one form. 

Can I submit more than one entry to each category?  

Only one entry per category per poet will be accepted. Please adhere to this; if we see multiple entries to any category we will read your first entry and discount the others. 

I entered the Disabled Poets Prize in a previous year, can I enter this year’s Prize?

Yes. You can enter the Prize regardless of whether your poem/s were placed (i.e.: longlisted, shortlisted or won) in a previous year or not.

Is there a fee to submit an entry? 

There is no fee for entering but we suggest a donation of £7 per entry if you can to help us cover our costs: totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/disabledpoetsprize

Can I submit a video or audio entry?

Your submission must be a text document and you cannot submit by audio or video. Please refer to the Prize’s Terms and Conditions for the line and page lengths for each of these categories.

For all categories you may submit your answers to the submission questions (e.g. your writers’ bio) by text in English, audio in spoken English or video in spoken English or British Sign Language.

You can download the entry form from the Prize website which gives more details. The entry form is available in Word document, audio and BSL video formats.

How do I make my submission?

Online entries should be made through the online form. This is accessible via the Prize website. You can use one online form to enter both categories. Please note you will need to create an account with Submittable to submit your entry, which is free to do. For your reference, we have provided BSL video, audio and Word document versions of the entry form on the Prize website so you can prepare your submission prior to entering the Prize. 

If you prefer to post your entry, you can post your poem/s along with an entry form, to: Disabled Poets Prize, Spread the Word, The Albany, Douglas Way, London SE8 4AG. The entry form can be downloaded from the Prize website.

Please note: we can only accept printed text postal entries. Please make sure you send us copies of your work as postal entries cannot be returned. We will acknowledge receipt of your work via email.

Will you be providing feedback for all the entries? 

Unfortunately, we aren’t able to provide feedback for all the entries we receive. Judges will provide a paragraph of feedback for the top twelve entries. If you are looking for feedback, we suggest that in the first place you ask a critical friend, whose opinion you trust.  

Does my entry have to be entirely poetry?  


What are the prizes? 

The Prizes on offer for shortlisted poets in each category include: First place prize of £500, second prize of £250, third place prize of £100, and three highly commended prizes of £50 each.

Shortlisted poets in each category will receive: an online professional development session with CRIPtic Arts and Spread the Word and one full year’s membership to The Literary Consultancy’s Being a Writer community platform. 

The winning poets in each category will receive two Arvon Zoom Masterclasses for and an Editor one-to-one session with The Literary Consultancy.  In addition, the winner of the best unpublished pamphlet category will be offered the opportunity to have their book published by Verve Poetry Press.

Can I submit a piece that has been published elsewhere?  

Entries must all be new unpublished work.

Can I submit something from a book that already has a publishing deal but has not yet been published?  

Extracts or complete poems that are already due to be published are not eligible for this Prize.  

Why are CRIPtic Arts, Spread the Word and Verve Poetry Press collaborating on the Prize?  

The barriers faced by deaf and disabled poets building their careers are significant, and there are very limited opportunities designed around the needs of deaf and disabled poets. By collaborating on the Prize, we hope to illuminate the incredible work produced by deaf and disabled poets, bringing them to greater prominence and supporting their further development.

I have had my poetry published previously. Can I enter?  

If you have previously published a pamphlet or collection you are ineligible for the best unpublished pamphlet category. However you are still eligible for the best single poem category as long as the poem you enter is previously unpublished.

I have self-published poetry previously. Can I enter?  

If you have previously self-published a pamphlet or collection you are still eligible for the best single poem category, as long as the poem you enter is previously unpublished. You are also eligible for the best unpublished pamphlet category, as long as the print run for any self-published pamphlet or collection was less than 50 copies. 

I want to enter a poem/ poems that I’ve published on my blog. Can I enter it?  

Unfortunately not. If you want to rewrite it significantly and submit it to us, that’s ok. We want the Prize to be for new pieces of writing that are yet to find readers.  

I have previously lived in the UK but am now based abroad. Can I enter?  

Unfortunately not. The competition is open to deaf and disabled poets based in the UK. We want to ensure that those who do well in the competition are supported and are able to take up the offers available to the winners and shortlisted poets, so you do need to be based in the UK to enter.  

I was not born in the UK, but I now live here. Can I still enter?  

Yes, deaf and disabled people over 18 residing full time in the UK are welcome to enter, you do not have to have been born in the UK.  

Why has the Prize been established?  

Deaf and disabled poets face significant barriers to developing their creative careers. The Prize has been established to find the best work created by UK based deaf and disabled poets, in written English and in British Sign Language. It aims to bring the work of the winning writers to new prominence, focusing attention on the exceptional work being produced by deaf and disabled writers. The Prize is the first of its kind in the UK. 

How long has the Prize been running for?  

Since 2023.

How can I connect with the Prize on social media?

You can connect with the Prize in the following ways:

On X: x.com/disabledpoets

On Instagram: instagram.com/disabledpoets

How can I support the Prize?

We welcome donations to support the Prize to grow and be able to take place on an annual basis. A suggested donation per poem entered is £7, but we recommend that people on income-related benefits should donate less or enter for free. If you can afford to donate more, to cover the costs where people cannot afford to do so, we would encourage you to consider this. If a donation is given by a Prize entrant, this will not affect the decision making of the judges. Donations can be made via the Prize website or through the Prize’s Total Giving webpage at: totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/disabledpoetsprize 

I’m a publisher or agent. How can I get involved?  

We’d love to hear from you. Please email [email protected] if you’d like to be involved in the Prize. We are very keen that these awards open up opportunities for the winning writers and would appreciate a chance to have a conversation.

I’d like to enter the Prize but I still have a question.  

Please email [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer your query.  

The Prize’s website is: disabledpoetsprize.org.uk 

If you are considering submitting an entry to the Prize please make sure you have read the Prize’s:

We have also created a Quick Guide to entering the Prize. All of these are available in audio, BSL, and Word document formats.