Get involved

The Disabled Poets Prize is a community initiative, funded by a range of small organisations and individual donors. We have a small operating budget and greatly appreciate support from individuals, the literature sector, and companies. There are lots of ways you can get involved with supporting the the Disabled Poets’ Prize, both in its inaugural year of 2023, and into the future.

We are passionate about this existing, to encourage, develop, and celebrate the talent in the deaf and disabled communities. To make the prize a success in 2023, and continue it into 2024, we need your support:


We are fundraising to support the prize and the poetry community moving forward, and to ensure that we are in a position to run it next year. Fundraising will help support the costs, which include:

  • BSL interpretation and translation of all materials
  • Time committed to develop and produce these awards
  • Costs of the prizes being offered
  • Workshops with Spread the Word and CRIPtic
  • Paying judges fairly for their time judging

With many thanks to our existing partners and sponsors without whom we could not run these awards, including Spread the Word, Verve Poetry Press, Verve Poetry Festival, the Arvon Foundation, the Literary Consultancy, and private donors including Jamie Hale and Nathalie Teitler.

To enquire about becoming a donor or industry partner, please contact us on [email protected]